Saturday, March 12, 2016

My thoughts on co-parenting

I’m about to brag on myself Uriah and Joey a little bit. So I should probably start by saying that I make mistakes as a parent daily. Sometimes I spend too much time on my phone. Sometimes I give my kids chicken nuggets for dinner two nights in a row (or three). Sometimes I forget to put Chandlor’s appointments on my calendar and I wish I could hug the little robot who calls me and reminds me. Sometimes I can hardly wait until bedtime because I will finally get a few minutes to myself. Sometimes I am envious of Uriah because he can sit on the couch and watch TV without being pounced on and asked 561 questions :)

Okay now that I have aired a considerable amount of my dirty laundry I don’t feel as bad about giving us a pat on the back.

Y’all co-parenting is NOT that hard. You just have to act like an adult. That is really all that it takes. Have some respect for someone whom you obviously cared for at some point in time and put your child/ren first. It is that simple.

It irks me to get on social media and see parents bashing one another for the world to see. Handle that business behind closed doors! I feel like sometimes people think that mine Joey and Uriah’s “arrangement” has always been butterflies and rainbows. It hasn’t. In the beginning it was really hard. We just chose to have those disagreements privately and now we are better for that. We rarely have disagreements and I credit that largely to keeping the hard stuff between Joey myself and Uriah.

If Joey were to decide tomorrow that he didn’t want to pay child support (don’t get any ideas Joey!) our custody agreement would remain the same. Would it be right for him to not support his child? No. Would it be fair for Uriah and me to take care of Chandlor financially on our own? No. Would it upset me? Yes! Absolutely. But guess who would hurt the most if I decided to limit Joey’s interaction with Chandlor? Chandlor!! It is the children who get the raw end of the deal. And if you think they don’t know or won’t figure out one day what you have done, you are wrong. If Chandlor is going to resent me one day I want for it to be because the “chocolate milk” I give him every night doesn’t actually have any chocolate in it at all :) not because I kept him from his daddy for my own petty reasons.

I understand that every situation is different. I know that in a lot of ways I hit the lottery with Uriah and Joey. I can see how it would be very difficult to be these things for someone who wasn’t willing to be these things for you and your child, but I still recommend that you try. Sometimes being the bigger person and taking initiative is enough to get someone else to change too. There are also situations where keeping your child from their parent is unfortunately best for their mental and physical well-being. Sometimes the bad stuff is just completely out of your control and that is heartbreaking.

Joey, Uriah and I are very good friends. We have dinner together. We go to Chandlor’s doctor’s appointments together. We make medical decisions about Chandlor together. We work around each other’s schedules so that no one misses the time that they deserve with that precious rotten little boy that we all love so much. We even kind of sort of went on a vacation together. I’m not saying that you have to take it this far, I’m just asking you to try! I promise if you make it about your child it is so very easy. Don’t talk badly about their parent in their presence and don’t keep them from their other parent. It is really that simple.

This is me getting off my soap box now. Please know that I know that I am not perfect. FAR from it. Oh and by the way neither are Joey or Uriah ;) but we do try very hard to put Chandlor first and it has become so easy over the years. If we can do it so can you.